Monday, December 8, 2008

The Other Side of the Window

I'm doing much better today. I think going to work helped me, believe it or not. Sometimes the weekends can be kinda lonely for single people, which only adds more dirty water to that pool of misery we tend to wallow in. But the activity of the work day, being around other people, taking your mind off of your personal crap and instead focusing on what needs to be done in Work World... this is sometimes the best remedy to an extreme case of that nasty little disease called Self-Pity.

So now that I'm a little more cheerful, I'd like to spread some cheer by telling a really cool story I heard today.

One of my co-workers got engaged this weekend. When she was describing her fiancé and how she knew she wanted to marry him, she put it this way...
"You know how the older you get, the less picky you become about the little things? Like if the guy can't cook, for example. Some of those expectations you once had, you now throw out the window, ya know? Because chances are, you're not going to find someone who can fulfill them. Well, it was as if [my fiancé] was standing outside the window, catching all of the things I was throwing out."
I thought this was a sweet story and an awesome analogy. And it just goes to show that sometimes your expectations will be more than met.

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