Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ex Memories

I'm back! Sorry I haven't written much lately. These past two weeks have been all out of whack, schedule-wise, what with the holidays and all. 'Twas a fun two weeks, though, that's fo' sho'. But now I'm back in the swing of things and will be posting regularly again.

I'm still working on my list for the 80/20 Experiment. It requires a lot more thought than I had anticipated. I feel like my list is too short, and I want to mull over it for a couple of days, just to make sure I'm not missing anything.

So tonight I'm going to write about something else that's been on my mind.

A few days ago I hung out with a pretty solid couple who has been together for a long time. It was my first time hanging out with the two of them together. So I was surprised when they kept talking about their past relationships, as if they were talking about the weather. Both of them would frequently bring up ex-boyfriends and girlfriends for some reason or another.

Considering my last serious relationship was one where the single mention of an ex-boyfriend's name would result in days' worth of punishment, this really stood out to me. Doesn't it bother her when he talks about a fun memory with an ex? Does it eat away at him when she talks about her first kiss?

Or is it healthy to talk about these things? I suppose keeping it out in the open shows that there's nothing to hide. And those memories are in the past. But if that's the case, why bring them into the present?

Please weigh in on this for me. Do you talk about exes in your current relationship, or are those discussions off-limits? And be honest... how do you REALLY feel when your mate talks about an ex?

Do dish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to have this insecurity where I didn't like hearing my mate's past relatoinships. Especially when they had a lot experience in relationships and I had very little next to none. I would say it's okay to talk about the past so long as there is no underlying language or any comparisons being made. I would love to hear about my mate's fist kiss and first date... but just maybe followed up with a kiss of reassurance that I'm the one they desire to be with.