Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gold-diggers are goin' down

Thanks to everyone who participated in yesterday's "Work-Out Partner" poll. Your responses were varied, and every one of them were valid! I guess the bottom line is, it's a matter of preference.

Incidentally, today while running on the treadmill I was reading an article about Kate Winslet in Vanity Fair. The writer asked Kate something about what happiness looks like for her, outside of work.

Her response...
"I need to be looked after. I'm not talking about diamond rings and nice restaurants and fancy stuff—in fact, that makes me uncomfortable. I didn't grow up with it and it's not me, you know. But I need someone to say to me, 'Shall I run you a bath?' or 'Let's go to the pub, just us.' I mean, the things that make me the happiest in the whole world are going on the occasional picnic, either with my children or with my partner. Big family gatherings, and being able to go to the grocery store—if I can get those things in, I'm doing good."

I think Kate was reading my mind when she said this, because I would have said pretty much every single word, verbatim. (Except for the grocery store part, because I detest that dreadful place. But I guess if you're a celebrity you never get to go to the grocery store, so in that case it's a rare pleasure for Kate.)

But the part about being looked after and taken care of? It's about so much more than the bling bling. It's about being pampered with affection and—more importantly—one's time. This is why I get angry with the money-hungry, gold-digging girls who are giving women a really, really bad name.

Guys, most of us women don't want your money. Most of us want what Kate Winslet wants... just someone who desires to go to the pub with no one else in the world but us.

(And in my case, someone who will go to the grocery store for me. Just sayin'.)

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