Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Date Don'ts

Okay, so I said that I might post some things while on vacation but I lied. Sorry. It turns out I didn't have as much access to the Internet as I had originally envisioned. So once again I made a promise (kinda) on this blog and didn't follow through. I think I'd better stop with the promises.

Anyway, I'm back from vacation now and I'm totally beat, so I just wanted to leave you with a quick little sumpin' sumpin'.

My friend sent me a link to an article about what NOT to do on a first date. While the article is written for women, I think men can learn from it as well. The advice is a little obvious, in my opinion, as if the writer is assuming that the woman reading it has not been on a date in ten years. But it's fun to read nonetheless.

Here are the six things the article says not to do. For further explanation, read the article in full here.


1. Introduce unfamiliar grooming regimens into your routine.

2. Wear those six-inch heels you bought on eBay, thinking they were Louboutins, but actually turned out to be regulation stripper footwear.

3. Get liquored up first.

4. Not eat if you're on a dinner date.

5. Talk too much/clam up completely.

6. Play make-believe. [In other words, don't lie.]

Also, I have a number 7, for guys only: Don't quote lines from The Cosby Show on a first date. It will likely end unfavorably, as was the case here.

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