Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Scarcity Myth

One of the things I often find myself and my other single friends saying is, "All of the good ones are taken." I have this tendency to believe that any guy who is worth dating has already been snatched up by some lucky lady, and that I've somehow missed the boat.

I came across this article on Yahoo, about how the very belief of this so-called "Scarcity Myth" could be the main reason why a person is single. It's all about thinking happy thoughts, apparently. That, and I guess you have to look at someone if you're interested in them. Who woulda thunk?

The article suggests doing a three-week experiment to "Debunk the Scarcity Myth," and maybe even meet someone in the meantime. You can read the full article for more details, but here's basically how the experiment works:

Week 1: Make eye contact with someone you find attractive, at least one time a day every day for a week.

Week 2: Make eye contact and smile at a person you find attractive, every day for a week.

Week 3: Make eye contact, smile, and... Are you ready for this? It's pretty tough but... say hello to a person you find attractive, every day for a week.

I guess the purpose of this exercise is to be proactive, to open your eyes and your mind to all of the potential mates that you come across every day. You're supposed to discover that there are more prospects out there than you originally thought.

I think it's kind of funny that you have to work yourself up to the shocking level of boldness you reach in week three. I guess doing all three things at once in the first week is just too much to handle. If during the first week the person you make eye contact with starts a conversation, run away yelling, "Not until week three! We can't talk for two more weeks! And don't even think about smiling at me!"

Because I'm making fun of this exercise I should probably try it, so that relationship-advice karma doesn't come back to bite me someday. I'll report back on the scientific results of the experiment. If any of you decide to try it too, let me know how it goes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, this post made me smile because it brought back a good memory. Before Dan and I started dating, we were just really good friends. But every time he would come into the place I was working at, I would always flirt with him by looking at him dead in the eyes and saying "hey" with a somewhat evil grin. He would always laugh and say "don't look at me like that, I can't handle it!" 12 years later I'm still counting my blessings for being able to marry him, so perhaps that article has some truth in it!