Sunday, September 21, 2008

Recommended reading, and some other bizness

Well, it looks like it's unanimous that sitting on the same side of the booth is a definite NAY. I'm glad to know I'm not alone. But if any of you out there DO like to sit on the same side of the booth as your snoogems, and were too ashamed to admit it, I still love you anyway. I just might think you're a little weird. ;-)

If you like a good love story, then you must read this real-life account, written by one of my favorite bloggers (The Pioneer Woman), about how she met and married her husband (whom she calls Marlboro Man). To date, she has written 37 continual entries about it, and each one is equally juicy, captivating and addicting. When I read through them I was glued to my computer screen, anxiously awaiting every little detail. It's good. And very funny too. (FYI: When you get to the page, scroll all the way to the bottom to read the first entry, and work your way up. It may take you a few sittings to get through all of it. If you can turn away, that is.)

Also, today begins Week 2 of SME! Which means I can now officially smile at the attractive men I look at. I already did that today, with a guy at the gas station. He smiled back. But that could have been because gas is now only $3.59 instead of $10.59, or whatever price that Ike guy forced upon us.

I begrudgingly admit that SME has already opened my eyes to the idea that there are in fact more potential dating prospects out there than I realized. However, I'm not really taking it too seriously (if you couldn't tell). I'm actually in the mindset that I probably shouldn't be meeting any men right now. But I will save that fascinating psychoanalysis for a future post. 

In the meantime, I have a question. Today I was in a restaurant and I saw a couple sitting on the same side of the booth (leaving the other side empty, ya know?). The idea of sitting this way in a restaurant has always intrigued me because I like to think about exactly how and why it happens. I mean, how was the decision made for them to sit that way? Does one have to invite the other to sit on the same side as them, or is it a given? Is it a one-time thing or do they sit this way in every restaurant?

So anyway, I'm taking a poll: Sitting on the same side of the booth... yay or nay?


Anonymous said...

I think that sitting on the same side of the booth is one of those mushy couple moves that makes me sort of sick to my stomach. I'd rather sit across from one another and hold hands over the table, honestly.

However, I've been known to compromise my ideas about what is socially acceptable PDA when I'm in love, so my opinion might be slightly jaded at the moment. :-D

Unknown said...

Blech, absolute Nay! I love my man like nobodies business but I need elbow room when I eat!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely nay....when I see two people sitting on the same side of a booth my first thought is "why did both of their significant others use the restroom at the same time?" I sit next to my sister in a booth, not my wife. The reason? I don't have anything important to say to my sister, and she doesn't have anything important to say to me. "How's your burger?", is the extent of it.

If you are a woman, I'd think you'd want to know that your man is looking at you when you are talking. If your a man your just praying the booth has a television that is positioned perfectly above your wife's head.

Bottom line, no good can come from a couple sitting on the same side. If there is one place that you need to keep your hands to yourself, it's in a restaurant where other people are trying to enjoy themselves. No one enjoys observing PDA while eating.

Anonymous said...

Nay. Sitting side by side makes conversation difficult. For the most part, you're looking at the empty booth in front of you unless you crane your neck 45 degrees only to go cross-eyed trying to look into the eyes of your loved one.

Anonymous said...

Big ole fat NAY!