Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Words of Wisdom from a Wise and Wordy Waitress

Check this out. 

In yesterday's post? When I doubted that there might be a hot man walking down my street? Well, today I went for a walk around the block (for no other reason than to take a walk, I swear). And wouldn't ya know it? Here comes a guy, all tall and well-dressed and with dimples, strolling toward me. I started to laugh out loud, thinking about how I basically fulfilled my own sarcastic prophecy from yesterday. I think the lady who wrote that Scarcity Myth article paid the guy to walk down the street, just to prove to me that it can happen. Whatever. I looked him in the eye and that was that. 

Just thought I'd share.

I also want to share my adoration for a great movie that I watched last night. It's called Waitress, and was suggested to me by a friend. (Thanks, nodrama!) It is a beautiful story about love, life, integrity and friendship. I don't agree with some of the things that go on in the relationships depicted in the film (i.e. cheating), but that also adds to its complexity.

There's one line in particular that is so pure and so true that I just had to share it with you. First, the premise: Throughout the film the main character Jenna is writing a letter to her unborn baby, giving life lessons as things happen to her. For years, this woman has suffered abuse of some sort by pretty much every influential man in her life, and finally she meets someone who sees nothing but the good in her and who never fails to express it. At one point he expresses it simply by hugging her. To which Jenna's voiceover says,

"Dear Baby, I hope someday somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight and that's all they do. They don't pull away. They don't look at your face. They don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold on tight, without an ounce of selfishness in it."

Such simple words for such powerful sentiment. And when you hear the words and watch the scene at the same time, in the compelling context that surrounds it... ohmagoodness. Your heart will melt into a puddle of warm, gooey goodness, all the way down to your toes. So make sure you wear socks.


Anonymous said...

I have seen the movie and loved it...great storyline. Thanks for reminding me of it!

Anonymous said...

I just saw it this week! Loved it.
— Melissa P.

Anonymous said...'re friend who reccomends a movie to you gets a blog shout out.

Yet, I, the loaner of a very influential book (with all the really good parts underlined) that is practically the reason this blog exists...get no credit whatsoever.

What the h*ll?

Haha. Kidding. Maybe.

You really should listen to more Bruce Springsteen...I think some of his lyrics and themes may work their way into your ideas. Not all great writers put their words on paper alone...