Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things I Love

My blog posts have been rather intense this week, what with my continuous saga of one failed relationship after another. I think it's time I lighten the mood a little. 

This is a blog about love, right? So I feel it's appropriate that I periodically share things that I, well, love. I'm talking about those little everyday moments when you find yourself saying, "I love it when..." I believe that these moments are some of the best this life has to offer, so I consider it my civil duty to document them. You may not agree with all of my choices, but simma down, you'll get your turn.

Things I Love...

1. Pressing buttons on an elevator. No matter what age I am, it never gets old.

2. When my text message alert goes off. *Bing!* Someone likes me!

3. When my co-workers and I are all slap-happy at the same time. Everyone else may think we're annoying, but we think we're hilarious.

4. The word "pshaw." It's better read than said. Pure literary magic, that word.

5. Looking up my house on Google Earth. It's creepy and awesome all at the same time.

6. When I wake up in the middle of the night and realize I still have several hours left to sleep. What? It's only midnight? Not 6 a.m.? Sweet!!

7. When I can sing (say?) an entire rap song, word for word. It is one of the most fulfilling experiences on earth, is it not? My specialties are: "Everybody Dance Now" by C&C Music Factory, "Knockin' Boots" by Candyman (filthy lyrics, but I know all of them!), and the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. (I know I'm not alone on that one. Holla!)

That's all I've got for now, but I will make other "Things I Love" lists from time to time. Because I'm sure there are hundreds of things that I love and I don't even know it.

In the meantime, I want to know your "I love it when..." moments! Leave a comment about it, and I will pick my favorite one and feature it on tomorrow's post! I don't have any fancy prizes or anything, but my opinion is prize enough, am I right?



I'm Cas. said...

I love it when...
1) I'm out for a bike ride or a walk and there's random people offering free, cold bottled water with their company logo stamped on it.
2) I find or am given some perfect new item that's exactly what I need. Recently: Hershey's miniature dark chocolate espresso squares on a bleh, sluggish day.
3) I time laundry perfectly and the sheets come out clean, dry and warm right before I need to put sheets on and go to bed.
4) Headlines are unintentionally funny and I can tape them to my wall at the office.
5) Pants fit juuuust right--and don't shrink.
6) I come home and Joey's been brewing beer. The house smells like beer, bread and warm breakfast cereal. Carbohydrate wonderland.
7) Grocery stores print how much you saved because of coupons or discount cards. I get a victorious rush if I saved more than $7.

Anonymous said...

Things I love:
When people wink at me.
When I find money in my pockets while doing laundry.
Laughing so hard that I have to run to the bathroom and/or spit my drink out.
Sitting outside being loud while drinking wine with good freinds.
Picking/popping anything pickable/popable. Gross, I know.
Asking a friend in need if there is anything I can do to help.
Changing into my lounging clothes.
Sleeping in.
Staying home sick while sleeping on the couch with all my favorite blankets.