Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free Square

Two years ago I went to a women's health conference that featured a fabulous motivational speaker named Victoria Moran. In her speech, she encouraged us to identify our "free square." The free square, as you know, is the term used in Bingo for that box in the middle on which every player can put a free chip without having to do anything. I've always thought it was nice of Bingo to do that. How many other games offer you a handout before play even begins? Move over billiards, I prefer to hang with the more generous Bingo, thank you very much.

Anyway, in this woman's speech, she metaphorizes (totally made up that word) the "free square" as the one thing that naturally comes easily to people. For instance, Victoria's free square is that she meets famous people all the time—and in random ways, not just because she's a public speaker. I have a friend whose dad wins radio contests on a regular basis. My sister always seems to find the most amazing items at the most incredible discount. (Like, discounts come to her.)

The free square is that odd little quirk that comes easily to an individual, all throughout one's life. Victoria said it was like "the universe's" way of giving you a little extra nudge. And she encouraged us to figure out what our free square is so that we can maximize it to better our lives. 

After hearing the speech, my aforementioned sister and I were trying to identify my free square. After a few minutes, lil' sis perked up, her eyes wide. "I know what it is," she said with conviction.

"What is it?" I asked.

I thought about that for a minute. And then I remembered that ever since I was young (except for the very awkward middle school years), whenever I liked a guy, he would inevitably end up liking me. It's weird. He might not even know I exist, but once I decide I like him, within a matter of only a few days, he's paying attention to me in some form or another. And I'm not pushy about it or anything. Sometimes I don't even say a word. It just happens.

I realize that I sound extremely conceited to say these things. But I honestly think it has nothing to do with who I am externally. I am not saying that I'm hot to trot nor too cool for school. I really think this is just a natural thing. To borrow Victoria's universe-type terminology, it's the "aura" I give off. And I can't possibly brag about my aura because it didn't show up by my own doing. It's like how cashmere sweaters cost my sister $5.00 when they cost everyone else $500.00. She didn't do anything special to receive that discount; it's just chance. And it makes me sick.
The problem is, I don't think I've maximized my free square in the way that Victoria encouraged us to do. Because the whole drawing-men-in thing leads to relationships, and my past few relationships have certainly NOT come as easily to me. So what I need to do is be a little more exclusive about who my free square invites in. I need to push away those Bingo chips that are cracked or missing a portion, and instead I need to accept only the bright and shiny chips.

I love metaphorizing. Sigh.

What's your free square? Figure it out and leave a comment about it, because this fascinates the heck out of me.


Anonymous said...

Umm... I don't know what my free square is... I'm very interested in finding it out though. I'd like to know something like that. Can anyone help me find it?

Erin's Husband

Anonymous said...

He He? What do you mean he he? And what's my free-square Mr. Anonymous? Maybe you know.

Because music chooses you... said...

Mine would be that people tell me their deepest secrets without me asking them to do it.

I'm a great secret-keeper, but I'm not sure this is such a great free square to have...

I'm Cas. said...

It's a few days late, but I was thinking this over.

My free square is food. (Ha, ha, ha...) Seriously.

I have the best luck with food and drinks. If I'm starving and down to my last few bucks, I have always inevitably stumbled upon a "freebie" of some sort. In college, I'd always find myself passing a club meeting that was adjourning and giving away the last of the pizza, or getting into work to find some new menu item that we all needed to "test."

Right now I was sitting here thinking, "I'm sick of coffee but I'd really like some caffeine." In walks someone I gave a Red Bull to more than a month ago, Red Bull in hand for me. What are the odds?

Then again, given the amount of time and energy spend thinking about food, I guess I've got to get it right every now and then.