Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Say No... to TV

I came across this article on MSN, about how a couple made a commitment to go without TV for their first year of marriage.

I'm not married but I totally think this is a great idea. Television can be an easy distraction when conversation is dull or unwanted. It fills the space where there might be a void... or it can create the void in the first place.

I know some of you reading this are bigtime TV aficionados. And I'm not judgin', I swear! But just imagine for a sec the many things you could do with your spouse (and/or your kids) if the TV wasn't there to lure you with its shiny pictures and addictive plots.

I think the concluding paragraph sums it up nicely:
And for now, as peculiar as it may seem, this TV-free experience is giving us a priceless gift: the ability to kick off our marriage with a solid foundation of communication. Having no TV has challenged us to stop watching other people live their lives and to start living our own. I recommend turning off the tube to all couples. I guarantee you: It's reality TV at its finest.

You can read the entire article here.

But first, have any of you tried going without TV for a period of time, for the sake of enriching your marriage? (Or for any other reason?) If so, how did it go?


Anonymous said...

We are some of the weird ones. We have a TV but it is hooked up only to the DVD player. We watch movies once in awhile in the winter.(as in once a month) We both have so many hobbies, me, my art and quilts, Greg his music.We both feel like we would be wasting our life just vegging if we had it hooked up. We also have many friends and prefer to invite someone over instead of watching TV. Besides our hobbies, we love to talk, read and spend time with people. My philosophy is that I would rather live than watch someone else live.

I'm Cas. said...

I got home yesterday to find that our cable/internet was "under construction" and therefore, completely unavailable.

I couldn't help but think about this post, and I decided that it would've been a great opportunity to have a conversation or find a new hobby for me and Joey to share...if only he didn't work nights.

So there I was, alone with the dogs in an eerily quiet house. No Wolf Blitzer, no Food Network, no Daily Show.

After roughly an hour of wondering what to do with no background noise, I figured out how to work the DVD player.

Anonymous said...

Erin and I are canceling our cable... Financial reasons mostly, but we will be better off relationally. We'll let you know how it goes. Great blog BTW, you always are very interesting.

Anonymous said...

At the beginning of the summer we cut our Directv package to the bones (family package), for financial reasons but more importantly because we have a 12 year old daughter and we decided that there is not anything good on the TV anyway. (I am guessing that my sentence is totally improper)We still pay 29.99 a month plus taxes and I still have the food channel and hgtv and dyi. We get movies from the library. So far I have not missed anything.