Monday, October 6, 2008

All in the name of science, people.


Why on earth, you ask, am I saying "alas"?

Well, because the Scarcity Myth Experiment (SME) has come to an end. It's been a fun three weeks. I've spanned the greater area, looking at attractive men, flashing them smiles and shouting out hello's. I've scouted public places in search of my next SME subject, sometimes to my dismay and other times in jubilation at the large number of options available. 

But... alas. It is over.

Today was the last day of SME and I wanted to go out with a bang. So of course, I went to the gym. (I find I do my best work there.) And once again, there were plenty of attractive men strutting their stuff around the gym. But the one I was most intrigued with was the guy who was working in the childcare room. He had dark hair, dark eyes, a smile that could melt gold, and, oh yeah, HE WAS PROTECTING MY CHILD. Does it get any better? 

When I dropped Julietta off at the room, the guy flashed that brilliant smile at me and said hello. I think he may have been familiar with SME, because that right there was by the book. I returned a shy hello and went on my way. 

But when I came back from my workout to pick up Julietta, SHE WASN'T THERE. I panicked. The other girl who was supposed to be watching the kids was looking around the room as if Julietta were hiding or something. I gave my guy a look of desperation, and he swooped in, all knight-and-shining-armorish, and calmly said, "Oh, don't worry. She's just using the restroom." Smile. He then proceeded to tell me how adorable my daughter is. I wanted to marry him, right there in that room filled with Legos and Barbie dolls.

Sure enough, Julietta came out of the restroom safe and sound, and it was time for me and my knight to part ways. I gathered all of the confident composure I could muster, looked him directly in the eye, smiled, and said, "See ya." 

Now THAT is a happy ending to the silliest experiment I've ever conducted in my entire life.

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